We are a proactive organisation. The African NGO Council undertakes research on development cooperation, the operating environment of NGOs, among many other issues and challenges NGOs face, and share our findings with our members and with our key stakeholders across the world.
Stakeholders are very important to our work. In pursuit of our mission and objectives, we engage a diverse network of key stakeholders at community, national, regional and global levels around the world. Engaging key stakeholders in our advocacy planning and implementation processes gives us an added advantage.
We enable our members to develop effective partnerships and good working relationships with global, regional and national institutions and donors around the world. Enabling our members to develop partnership is what AFRONGO standards for.
We provide customised training and technical assistance to build the organisational capacity of our members and other stakeholders to become effecitve organisations able to carryout their activities.
Advocacy, policy analysis, and lobbying for policy implementation, including pro-poor policies, is at the heart of all that we do. We promote effective development cooperation among our members and with stakeholders
We network and build strategic alliances with global, regional and national organisations and government agencies interested in or engaged in programmes that we share similar interests. We present a good case for global strategic alliances.
Convening is at the heart of our purpose and being. We create an avenue where members and key stakeholders meet to converge on the most challenging issues and emerging trends confronting NGOs, civic space, the environment, and human progress.
AFRONGO facilitates a clearinghouse which serves as a resource centre for NGOs and development cooperation issues at national, regional and global levels. Through this, AFRONGO provides the opportunity to coordinate efforts with other CSOs.
We publish relevant information, education and communication materials to inform the public and policy makers about the problems and challenges NGOs face through dynamic cycles of learning, reflection and action on issues of concern. We also educate the public on the important role NGOs play in society for human advancement.
The Council creates opportunities for NGOs from one country or continent to visit other NGOs in another country or continent or region to enhance learning and sharing; share information, improve skills and knowledge, and build alliances, which strengthen our ability to improve our collective impact in our communities and solidarity with the people and communities we serve.
AFRONGO promotes best practices and global standards for African NGOs such as good corporate governance codes, and creates opportunities for members to increase their reach to international, regional and national civil society network of NGO leaders and practitioners, government funders and community based social innovators through subscribing to best practices.
Migrating from old forms of partnerships and international aid to effective development cooperation is challenging for most Southern NGOs. AFRONGO provides leadership for the African NGO sector, and works with members and key stakeholders at all levels to strengthen the transition through leadership and innovation that makes the process less challenging.
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