Our Governance and Leadership Profile
Currently, a six-person governing Board of Directors, comprising members, independent directors and the Council’s President/CEO govern AFRONGO. Board members contribute to the proper governance of and guide AFRONGO in establishing a strategy and policy objectives through active participation in the Council’s governance and decision making.
Board members serve on the Board on a voluntary basis for a fixed term as specified in the Council’s Statues. The members of the Board agree to abide by the Council’s Code of Professional Conduct and the Board Charter as set out by the Board in fulfilling their responsibilities. Also, a six-person International Advisory Committee assists the Executive Board in decision making and policy formulation and implementation processes.
In addition, the Board is assisted by a secretariat team headed by the President/CEO. Other key personnel, consultants and professional volunteers and core staff of the Council help implement the decisions of the Board and other key activity plans, strategies and policies of AFRONGO.
Organisational Structure
The Council operations a one-layer organizational corporate structure (One governance body which oversees all national or regional chapters). The regional body speaks as one unified voice in pursuit of the Council’s mission and regional mandate. The regional body is referred to as the General Assembly that meets once a year, and where all members meet to converge on the affairs of the Council and its overall operations. In addition, the executive secretariat that handles the day-to-day affairs of the Council is based in Freetown, Sierra Leone. As its operational hub, the secretariat handles membership recruitment, regional and global advocacy, training and capacity building of members, resource mobilization, stakeholder engagement and other activities as stated in the strategic plan of action.
The secretariat was purposely established in the Sierra Leone as a form of solidarity to bring the operations of the Council and its regional and global affairs closer to the people and communities its members seek to serve. By so doing, AFRONGO promotes transparency and accountability to its key stakeholders.
Efforts are on the way to establish sub-regional offices in East Africa, Central Africa, North Africa, Southern Africa and West Africa. Also international liaison offices in North America (New York/Washington D.C. and Europe (Brussels). These regional and liaison offices will help facilitate policy advocacy efforts, resource mobilization, membership recruitment, stakeholder engagement, and other activities as authorized by the Board of the Council.
Kindly download the African NGO Council corporate profile/brochure to learn more about the organisation and what it does.
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